Thursday 8 March 2012

Michelle Bridges is seeking information about her team members

I think she should find out how rate of weight loss might affect their attitude towards exercise and dieting. She can obtain this information by holding surveys to find out about their feelings and comparing these results to their weight loss record.


  1. I think she can also conduct some cardio fitness test, body mass index test and learn from their history and genetics in order to gather further information to assist her in understanding her team members.

  2. In my opnion, from the socio-cultural perspective,,Michelle Bridges should gather data of each of her team members by identifying their cultural and social behaviours, and examine how each of her team members’ behaviours influences each other during team challenges. By obtaining her data, she should socialise with her team members' to get to know their cultural and social settings and also examine her team members closely during team challenges to identify how their social and cultural behaviours influence each other. However, how will Michelle assist her team members' physically, mentally and emotionally without using this perspective?

  3. In my feild of expectise she would obsereve the behaviours of the new team mates as to how they will react when approached with an exercise regine. She would also monitor their food intakes on a day to day bases.

  4. From the cognitive perspective Michele Bridges could conduct tests, to find out how they think about problems, and how they would solve them. she could also find out about how they remember things. lastly she could do multiple intellegence tests on them, to find out what there intrests are, so then she can do training based arround their intrests, so then they will stay focused.
